Ronald, Priscilla and Samuel Wagner
Manhattan Beach, CA
Latitude 33° 52' 31" N
Longitude 118° 23' 13" W
Elevation 180 ft

Moon Phase Waxing Gibbous
Sunrise 6:49a
Sunset 4:45p
Weather Forecast: Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours

Current Weather for 12/10/24 4:32am:

Inside 69.6°F 55%
Outside 56.4°F 60%
Wind 2.0mph 5.0mph Peak
Barometer 30.208in Steady

10 Minute Average Wind Speed 2.0 mph from the N (360°)

Rain Summary

Rain Rate Daily Rain Storm Rain Monthly Rain Yearly Rain
0.00 in/hr 0.00 in 0.00 in 0.04 in 0.39 in

Original Davis Inst. current weather layout

Weather History for Manhattan Beach, CA

Weather Summary for Manhattan Beach, California USA

Weather Satellite Images Received at Manhattan Beach (occasionally down)

Barometer High Wind Speed

Outside Temperature Outside Humidity

Inside Temperature Inside Humidity

Stacked photomicrograph of a spec of olivine from
the Green Sand Beach, near South Point on the Big Island of Hawaii

From Hawaii

Hey, where are we going?
And what am I doing in this handbasket?!

file: C:\RonsData\Weather Data\Ruhland\Templates\index.htx